How does hydro dipping work?


I’ve been seeing a trend in hydro dipping and I was just curious how it works. Like how does the design and color stay on the surface of the object that gets dipped?

In: Chemistry

Anonymous 0 Comments

Please correct me if I’m wrong. Have only seen and not done it.

Paint is being sprayed on a water surface forming a consistent layer on top of the water without dissolving.
An object is then carefully lowered inside the water, with the paint being the first thing the object hits. All the paint will then immediately stick to the surface of the object and coating it whilst hindering the water to reach the object.

After carefully pulling it out of the water again the paint will dry as usual. And voila… hydro dipped thingy.

I have not seen something like that done with an image but I guess as long as you can somehow get it on the water surface first it should work the same.