how does instinct work? If it’s just “baked” into an animal’s DNA, how does it “activate” and how does it “activate” successfully?


how does instinct work? If it’s just “baked” into an animal’s DNA, how does it “activate” and how does it “activate” successfully?

In: 513

48 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

**We really don’t know** is the best answer.

* Some DNA codes for proteins.

* Some DNA codes are used in regulating the rates of gene expression and protein synthesis.

The wild bit is that we often talk about DNA as the blueprint for what a person or organism looks like, but we really have no idea how **the various proteins coded for** make a new multi-cellular organism where the cells differentiate into organs (like eyes or kidneys or the skin that covers it all).

When you add to all that unknown complexity the fact that we really don’t know how the brain works to determine behaviour (or is there any free will at all?) we really don’t know where to begin to answer your question.

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