how does instinct work? If it’s just “baked” into an animal’s DNA, how does it “activate” and how does it “activate” successfully?


how does instinct work? If it’s just “baked” into an animal’s DNA, how does it “activate” and how does it “activate” successfully?

In: 513

48 Answers

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It’s like immovable shortcuts in the neurons of your brain to do something without thinking about it (aka conscious input).

It’s the way your brain initially develops as a fetus/baby. Most of those wirings cannot change very easily, which is why it’s important that babies are raised without major stresses that can rewire the brain permanently in a negative way.

Like… 99.99% of the time, your neurons drive the “scenic route” to do certain things, like running or talking.

In that 0.01% moment, your brain just yells “JUST FUCKING DO IT AS FAST AS POSSIBLE” and it takes the shortcut that’s usually just chilling and waiting to be used. Like when you need to fearfully run away or scream in pain.

For slower instincts, like the craving to mate or eat, your body usually uses the shortcut instead. So you have to train your brain to have a “scenic route”.

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