how does instinct work? If it’s just “baked” into an animal’s DNA, how does it “activate” and how does it “activate” successfully?


how does instinct work? If it’s just “baked” into an animal’s DNA, how does it “activate” and how does it “activate” successfully?

In: 513

48 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

DNA is the blueprint for how things in the body get built, dna itself does not play a role in thought or reaction.
The human brain, like all brains, is designed to develop with a whole bunch of pre-installed software, synapse connections, that are default to include things like breathing, blinking, sucking, grabbing and many more. Without this preinstalled software (which came from a genetic .zip file called the dna where it was decompressed from) then we would not survive as babies/children.

The physical portion of the brain that handles “instincts” is the brainstem, the part of the brain closest to the spinalcord. Because it is physically between the spinal cord and the rest of the brain, it is literally able to inject commands to the body without you having to think it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

DNA is the blueprint for how things in the body get built, dna itself does not play a role in thought or reaction.
The human brain, like all brains, is designed to develop with a whole bunch of pre-installed software, synapse connections, that are default to include things like breathing, blinking, sucking, grabbing and many more. Without this preinstalled software (which came from a genetic .zip file called the dna where it was decompressed from) then we would not survive as babies/children.

The physical portion of the brain that handles “instincts” is the brainstem, the part of the brain closest to the spinalcord. Because it is physically between the spinal cord and the rest of the brain, it is literally able to inject commands to the body without you having to think it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Instinct is just feeling uncomfortable or feel great. Humans have it but we’re more diverse and think more critically.

Beavers are compelled to stop the sound water. They either hate the sound, love the sensation of shoving things into gaps, or both. Even beavers that haven’t yet built a dam do it, something about it makes the hairs on the neck stick up (metaphorically) and they just go to work.

Humans do it too. The satisfaction of throwing and collecting things is great for survival.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Instinct is just feeling uncomfortable or feel great. Humans have it but we’re more diverse and think more critically.

Beavers are compelled to stop the sound water. They either hate the sound, love the sensation of shoving things into gaps, or both. Even beavers that haven’t yet built a dam do it, something about it makes the hairs on the neck stick up (metaphorically) and they just go to work.

Humans do it too. The satisfaction of throwing and collecting things is great for survival.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Instinct is just feeling uncomfortable or feel great. Humans have it but we’re more diverse and think more critically.

Beavers are compelled to stop the sound water. They either hate the sound, love the sensation of shoving things into gaps, or both. Even beavers that haven’t yet built a dam do it, something about it makes the hairs on the neck stick up (metaphorically) and they just go to work.

Humans do it too. The satisfaction of throwing and collecting things is great for survival.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You were never taught how to breathe or blink your eyes, but you know how. That is instinct. Blind people who have never seen someone smile still smile when they are happy. You are very familiar with instinct you just may not have realized it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You were never taught how to breathe or blink your eyes, but you know how. That is instinct. Blind people who have never seen someone smile still smile when they are happy. You are very familiar with instinct you just may not have realized it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You were never taught how to breathe or blink your eyes, but you know how. That is instinct. Blind people who have never seen someone smile still smile when they are happy. You are very familiar with instinct you just may not have realized it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

**We really don’t know** is the best answer.

* Some DNA codes for proteins.

* Some DNA codes are used in regulating the rates of gene expression and protein synthesis.

The wild bit is that we often talk about DNA as the blueprint for what a person or organism looks like, but we really have no idea how **the various proteins coded for** make a new multi-cellular organism where the cells differentiate into organs (like eyes or kidneys or the skin that covers it all).

When you add to all that unknown complexity the fact that we really don’t know how the brain works to determine behaviour (or is there any free will at all?) we really don’t know where to begin to answer your question.

Anonymous 0 Comments

**We really don’t know** is the best answer.

* Some DNA codes for proteins.

* Some DNA codes are used in regulating the rates of gene expression and protein synthesis.

The wild bit is that we often talk about DNA as the blueprint for what a person or organism looks like, but we really have no idea how **the various proteins coded for** make a new multi-cellular organism where the cells differentiate into organs (like eyes or kidneys or the skin that covers it all).

When you add to all that unknown complexity the fact that we really don’t know how the brain works to determine behaviour (or is there any free will at all?) we really don’t know where to begin to answer your question.