Depends on the type of loan. If it’s a student loan then it accrues interest daily. Every monthly payment pays down what has accrued since your last payment (assuming you are consistently on time, otherwise it all goes to interest on there plus whatever has accrued since then) plus a little towards the principle amount. Int calculated like… say student loan is 10,000 with a 8.2 interest. 10,000 x 8.2% / 365 is 224.64 move the point over two and it’s 2.25 rounded up. So the example would accrue approximately $2.25 a day. So in a 30 day period it would be about $67.50 a day. So you would be paying that much interest monthly… on top of what you are paying towards the principle to even lower the balance. So the end result is you end up paying a lot more than you take out. But again. Not all loans function this way.
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