– how does it work that withdrawals from alcohol can and will kill you, but other drug and substance withdraws won’t? What’s so different about alcohol?


– how does it work that withdrawals from alcohol can and will kill you, but other drug and substance withdraws won’t? What’s so different about alcohol?

In: 10

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alcohol acts as a depressant. It dulls certain brain functions, which isn’t an issue for people without drinking problems since they give themselves enough time for the brain to recover, but for alcoholics who drink too frequently their brain adjusts over time to deal with this, and as a result the brain is overcompensating.

If you suddenly remove the alcohol from the equation you end up with a brain that’s firing on all cylinders without any depressant to slow it down, which can cause a person to have a seizure. That’s why it’s important to gradually wean someone off alcohol, so the brain can readjust itself in a non-lethal manner.

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