How does key generation work in DES.


How does key generation work in DES.

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6 Answers

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When you use DES to encrypt something, you need a key to do it. A key is like a secret code that only the person who’s supposed to see the encrypted message knows.
To make a key in DES, you take a really long number, like 64 digits long, and you use some special math to turn it into a shorter number, like 56 digits long.Then, you take that 56-digit number and you do some more special math to make 16 different keys that are each 48 digits long.These 16 keys are like 16 different secret codes that the person who is supposed to see the encrypted message can use to unlock it.So, when you encrypt a message with DES, you use one of these 16 keys to turn it into a secret code that only the person who has the matching key can turn back into the original message.It’s like a secret language that only you and your friend can speak!

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