How does magma contained in the middle of the earth regenerate heat?


When lava flows, hot springs, geysers, etc., are naturally cooled by the climate they interact with when they reach the surface, how is core temperature sustainable?

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7 Answers

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There are 3 main sources of heat inside the planet Earth. First, there’s a bunch that has been there since the Earth was formed a few billion years ago and it hasn’t come out yet. It’s slowly making its way from the inside to the outside. There’s also heat caused by friction as things churn and heavier things make their way closer to the core. Finally, there’s heat from the decay of heavy radioactive elements that we don’t have up here on the surface.

So there’s more heat below waiting to replace anything that’s leaked through the surface. Overall, it’s cooling off, but not so you would notice over a short time frame like a human life time.

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