How does marijuana actually work?


When we smoke marijuana, what does it do to create the effect and the trip we see? And what are the side effects which makes it illegal in most countries around the world?

In: 10

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

What trip do you see?

Anonymous 0 Comments

THC and other cannabinoids in cannabis attach themselves to special receptors in our brains. It fits together like a missing puzzle piece. THC is the psychoactive cannabinoid that makes you feel high. Falling asleep and eating too much are pretty much the worst that can happen. Sometimes rapid heartbeat, but everyone’s different. It’s unfortunately illegal in the USA because some old white dudes saw someone of a different race doing it first and got their butts hurt because they weren’t making money or benefiting from it. The cannabis prohibition was clouded by racism and anyone working in the industry should bring knowledge to this fact.

Anonymous 0 Comments

THC and other cannabinoids (Such as CBD) bind to the cannabinoid receptors in our brain. These receptors are what mediates the psychoactive effects. Interestingly enough, these receptors also have their hands (so to speak) in other physiological roles in our bodies.

There is not a single side effect that makes it illegal.
Cannabis is illegal in many places because it gets lumped in with hard drugs, is misunderstood, or it’s a power move/control by the government.

Anonymous 0 Comments

That main ingredient that causes the high from Cannabis is THC. THC comes from a plant, but it mimics another chemical we produce ourselves called Anandamide, which is known as the “bliss” chemical. This is why marijuana tends to make us feel good.

These chemicals, AKA cannabinoids, also influence the system in our body responsible for homeostasis (keeping your body balanced). The best theory, in my opinion, is that marijuana was outlawed in America because of its potential to aid the human body. You can’t really patent a whole plant unfortunately, so these effects could only hurt the pharmaceutical industry.

In *CBD: A Patients Guide to Cannabis*, one of the first few chapters states that a patent was filed shortly before Cannabis was outlawed in the USA. This patent stated the medical benefits of marijuana and was filed (unsurprisingly) by The US Government.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you ever seen an old cartoon where the devil pops up on one shoulder, and an angel on the other?

It’s just like that, but only the devil shows up. And he is trying to convince you to let loose and have “fun”. Then you eat a giant burrito and go to bed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

THC binds to receptors in the brain that makes the neurons function ‘misfire’ in a sense. They don’t totally stop your neurons from working properly, that would probably kill you, but it changes the way they work for a short period of time. That is why people smoke weed often get ideas (good or bad) they wouldn’t if they were sober.