how does marketing for a big movie like The Flash costs $100+ Million?


seems medium like YouTube are free, how does it cost $100 millions plus for marketing? where is the money going to?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A 30 second ad during the Super Bowl is $7million. Commercials, billboards, conventions, radio spots, all of those cost money. Premieres and events: they need promotion for those, plus venue and food. Social media campaign consultants have to be hired.

Now realize that the US isn’t the only country they are advertising in. There are over 100 separate countries, many different languages. These things have to be made and cost money.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Each time you see an ad on YouTube know someone paid about 0.10$ for that. That’s 1 billion views if you spent the entire budget on it and somehow made the ad for free. 1.5 billion videos are viewed on YouTube a day. Your budget isn’t enough to get you 1 view on 66% of videos for 1 day.

Anonymous 0 Comments

>seems medium like YouTube are free

What do you mean? That it’s free to post a video on youtube? What does that have to do with anything?

Advertising costs money, lots of money. And you have to kind of saturate the media with it when you’re trying to get people to come see a movie, otherwise they may not even know the movie exists and is playing in theaters. It’s not like other products where it’s always sitting there on store shelves, where you might simply notice it by accident even without any advertising. It’s a time-sensitive thing and it has to work on a lot of people all at once. It’s not like Coke where they can produce a few commercials, see soda sales increase by 5% since last year and say “job well done, fellas”. *All* their “sales” have to happen in like a one month period and you never get another chance.