how does mesh wifi work and how is it different from old school extenders?


how does mesh wifi work and how is it different from old school extenders?

In: 69

7 Answers

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Wifi extenders pick up and repeat the signal which originates from a single access point (wifi router). The problem with that is that you’re still loosing signal strength the further out you go from this point of origin. It’s like making a copy of a copy that keeps getting more blury.

Mesh wifi on the other hand consists of several wireless access points, each sending their own signal on their own channel but they are part of the same network and are broadcasting the same SSID. There should be some overlapping coverage on the peripheries of each WAP zone so that devices can seamlessly switch from one AP to the next without dropping the connection.

This is the type of wireless access you’ll find in large business or corporate environments, hotels…..etc. it’s a much more scalable and reliable solution than using extenders.

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