How does Meta (Facebook) make money on LLAMA (their version of chat gpt) if it’s free?


LLAMA2 is out and it’s pretty fancy, and there’s a news report that they’re making a way bigger one. But if it’s just open source stuff, how do they justify the massive costs to make it? It seems like everyone can just use it for free.

In: 156

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most answers in this thread are either completely misinformed or based on unfounded speculation.

If we want to avoid guessing at “evil mastermind” plots that might or might not be there, the answer can actually be a pretty simple one: same reason why they (and similarly large companies like Microsoft and Google) contribute to so many open source projects, and publish a big chunk of their research in scientific journals and conferences. Collaboration and sharing development of certain technologies can be good and profitable in the long run.

Especially when it comes to AI research, no single institution in the world is able to “do it alone”, or to get significantly ahead of the others, because of how hard it is, how expensive it is, and how few people have the necessary know-how and ingenuity to effectively contribute. Sharing LLAMA is then probably intended as a way to boost research by third parties, especially universities and the like, helping new people / ideas get into the game, which can then be recruited / adopted by Meta for their own products.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Investors see the demo and they think Facebook is going to do something cool with AI in the future so they buy Facebook stock. Most AI companies are doing this.