How does nature make animals look like the environment. For example, how did so-called stick insects or leaf-insects obtained the way they look?


You know, in general it’s called mimicry. But how does it work even though all these creatures only perceive their surroundings with the eyes and so on. Like…just how it knows the way these creatures should be changed to be less visible.

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7 Answers

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Everything is a random mutation.
But it makes sense that animals with the best mimicry will survive long enough to procreate. We can actually observe that with European moth Biston betularia that has two distinct forms (spotted white or melanistic black). It can be observed that before industrial revolution the white spotted specimens were more common as they could blend with shrubs and on tree bark and hide from predators, but now it’s the black form, because the barks became darker and shrubs less common.

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