how does one react when stabbed from behind?


context is that we’re making a short film and the character gets stabbed from behind

question is, title

when the peeps auditioned for the character, they all followed the same pattern, but with different executions:

stabbed, slow realization, falls down, and cries for help

I’m not sure if that’s correct/a plausible reaction, tbh

so, i ask here.

thank you!!

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

you gasped for air, it’s like every air in your lung gets sucked out and you struggle to breathe

[Christopher Lee explains it best](

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not sure myself, but I do recall seeing a [clip]( of Christopher Lee explaining exactly this.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have some expertise here as a former paramedic who has been first on scene to several of these where witnesses saw the whole thing. 75% get pissed and fight back hard with little effect of being stabbed, still pretty ok when the medic shows up. 20% pretty badly hurt, fight back a little, eventually crumple mostly from fatigue rather than pain/debility, still pretty together when I show up. 5% severely injured, crumple nearly immediately due to blood loss or collapsed lung, dead or on the way to it when I show up.

Anonymous 0 Comments

im gonna explain it as if you were 5

you feel pain, maybe surprise, and a little warm liquid dripping

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you get stabbed, all you really feel in the moment is the attacker’s fist hitting your body while the blade enters the flesh. It will feel like someone punched you on the back/shoulder/whatever. If a lung gets punctured, you will feel that something is wrong rather fast. But yeah, if nothing “important” is cut, the character in the scene might be confused at first, and as they turn around react frightened when they see the bloody knife.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not having been directly stabbed this is a bit removed, but every time I’ve been in a high-adrenaline situation and blood has been drawn, I didn’t notice right away. Usually I was going about my business afterwards and someone screamed because I was bleeding a lot and didn’t notice.

Also from a filmmaking perspective – it’s not always about what’s correct so much as what makes for a good movie. In a high-octane action scene someone might scream as they get their head sliced of despite that being physically impossible, but it makes for good cinema in some peoples’ eyes.