How does one way bulletproof glass work?


How does one way bulletproof glass work?

In: 541

14 Answers

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Normal bullet proof glass is layers of hard and soft material. The hard material deforms the bullet and the soft material absorbs the energy. The more deformed the bullet, the more area its pushing on, and the more material there is to absorb that energy

One way bullet proof glass only has the hard material on one of the sides and not in layers within. This means that a bullet fired from inside passes through the soft material in its streamlined form, then passes through the hard material and deforms. This steals a fair amount of energy from it but its not going to need to travel far to hit the threat

Bullets fired from the outside still hit the hard outer layer and begin to deform and have their energy more easily captured by the softer layers on the inside

Anonymous 0 Comments

Normal bullet proof glass is layers of hard and soft material. The hard material deforms the bullet and the soft material absorbs the energy. The more deformed the bullet, the more area its pushing on, and the more material there is to absorb that energy

One way bullet proof glass only has the hard material on one of the sides and not in layers within. This means that a bullet fired from inside passes through the soft material in its streamlined form, then passes through the hard material and deforms. This steals a fair amount of energy from it but its not going to need to travel far to hit the threat

Bullets fired from the outside still hit the hard outer layer and begin to deform and have their energy more easily captured by the softer layers on the inside

Anonymous 0 Comments

First Google result for “one way bullet proof glass” seems to do a decent job explaining it.

Basically using different layers of material they can make a bullet have a harder time moving in one direction than the other. Hard exterior layer that expands the bullet the softer layers to absorb energy. When shot the other way the still pointy bullet does not get slowed by the softer layer and carries its energy to the hard layer where it breaks through and keeps going.

Anonymous 0 Comments

First Google result for “one way bullet proof glass” seems to do a decent job explaining it.

Basically using different layers of material they can make a bullet have a harder time moving in one direction than the other. Hard exterior layer that expands the bullet the softer layers to absorb energy. When shot the other way the still pointy bullet does not get slowed by the softer layer and carries its energy to the hard layer where it breaks through and keeps going.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bullet proof glass is made with layers of hard but brittle glass and soft but flexible plastic.

The glass smashes and fragments the bullet spreading the force over a larger area to be caught by the plastic.

So if you shoot from the plastic side the bullet is able to focus its energy in a single point on the plastic and cut through it, hitting the glass intact and breaking it outward without the plastic to catch it afterwards.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bullet proof glass is made with layers of hard but brittle glass and soft but flexible plastic.

The glass smashes and fragments the bullet spreading the force over a larger area to be caught by the plastic.

So if you shoot from the plastic side the bullet is able to focus its energy in a single point on the plastic and cut through it, hitting the glass intact and breaking it outward without the plastic to catch it afterwards.