how does organised crime make money from construction/unions and what are ‘no shows’?

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I’ve been watching Sopranos lately, and a few times they’ve talked about construction jobs, the unions, and getting ‘no show’ jobs (whatever they are) and I realised a lot of Organised Crime I’ve heard about always seems to be tied them, yet I have no idea how it makes so much money for them.

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13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I used to manage large consturction projects – and people seem to be missing the most important ways a mob can infiltrate these large projects.

1. Rig the bidding process. Mob will use info and pressure to ensure they win the job and make sure the price is as high as possible. Only 2-3 contractors will bid on these big jobs – and it will be the same ones, over and over again.
2. Skilled labour is always in demand and the big projects will fight over the labour pool. Controlling the flow of labour to a project through unions; means you have huge pull within the project power structure.
3. Extra work: make sure your buddy gets any extra work, and make sure he gets it for a very high price – and make sure the work required is greatly exaggerated.
4. Make sure upper construction managment knows you mean business. Everytime they dont give you money when you ask, or expand the quantity of something – they will do everything to cause financial harm to the construction company by frustrating work performance.

These are a few of the key points.

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