how does organised crime make money from construction/unions and what are ‘no shows’?

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I’ve been watching Sopranos lately, and a few times they’ve talked about construction jobs, the unions, and getting ‘no show’ jobs (whatever they are) and I realised a lot of Organised Crime I’ve heard about always seems to be tied them, yet I have no idea how it makes so much money for them.

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13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You don’t have to be in the mafia to land a no-show job. A certain Alaskan politician was doing favors for a major oil concern, and her husband received a no-show job to the tune of around $300,000 a year. The politician was indirectly receiving a bribe/kickback from the oil company via her husband’s no-show job.

There was an investment firm that collapsed, and the founder went on to start a pharmaceutical company. He needed to repay one of his investors, so he gave him a no-show job at the pharmaceutical company and he began drawing a paycheck until he was paid off.

In the case of the Sopranos, the mafia has so much control over the union, they can force the union to do whatever they want. Why not draw a paycheck for doing nothing?

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