How does our body identify calories across similar types of food (how “filling” it is)?


For example, consider water and protein shake – both are liquids of similar viscosity and sensation. How does my stomach feel fuller when I drink the shake?

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4 Answers

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A combination of physical sense and hormones.

Your gut senses different macronutrients like fats, carbs, etc. It has chemical receptors that detect these and then release other hormones into the body in relation. More of a certain thing in the gut means more of a certain hormone released into the body. These reach the brain, and the brain reacts accordingly, by feeling sated to different degrees.

Some food physically fills the stomach more effectively as well. Large amounts of insoluble fiber for instance doesn’t quickly break down, so your gut detects the persistent physical fullness and passes the message along to the brain accordingly.

These processes are based on millions of years of evolution. Your body is trying to give you the best chances of survival in a prehistoric, caveman type way of life.

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