you wouldn’t want some biological functions to be completely controlled cognitively.
imagine needing to think about every breath you take or every beat of your heart or every aspect of digestion. congrats, now you can’t sleep.
adrenaline is a potent hormone so long as it’s used sparingly. as a survivor of multiple forms of trauma and abuse, i actually had a hair trigger for adrenaline adrenaline release and it SUCKS. jumpy everywhere, small things that most folks don’t even think about like someone gently tapping your shoulder would create an intense internal reaction. constant fight/flight that ended up in freeze.
as far as adipose tissue (fat)? the body prioritized certain forms of fat and how fat is lost is reflective of that. for example, central obesity (abdomen) is the hardest to burn off since there are actually two toes of fat at play: subcutaneous fat, the flab that you can grab, and visceral fat, which is around your organs.
even if you get rid of all the subcutaneous fat, the visceral fat hangs around longer.
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