How does our society basically guarantee we have somebody for a specific job?


we have people for odd jobs, we have people who can repair anything in my house, we have people who can repair my car, we have people who drive other people to their destination, but how? especially if some of these jobs seem discouraging from the outside (bus drivers, truck drivers, etc..)

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can pay me to do anything. I just don’t know what the price is, or the conditions of collection.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We don’t.

Case in point: in some places it’s getting harder to find a GP who’s taking on new patients.

In one city I know of, cost of living got too high for people working on a day laborer’s wages… which means no new construction.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Supply and demand.

Not enough people in a special job? That job becomes more valuable, they pay more for that service. Suddenly, people want to work that job to make more money.

Too many people working some kind of job? That job becomes less profitable to work. It is easy to find workers so employers will pay less for that job.

This creates balance. When there is demand, people will fill the supply. It is not always perfect, but ultimately it is enough.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you pay well enough, or the worker is desperate enough, *somebody* will always be willing to do a job.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Labor market… if we need more workers in a field than we have, pay goes up to draw people to those jobs. Could be an immediate thing, like how fast food restaurants have recently had to raise pay to hire enough workers, or it could be something like doctors where we pay high pay given the importance of the job, and to incentivize people to spend so much time going through college, medical school, residencies to train as a doctor.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because that is how the free market works. You need someone for a job, you pay enough to attract someone that wants to do it.

Surely we all know how the free market works right?

And left-wingers really need to start admitting that they don’t have a system that’s superior to the free market.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You offer more money for the job until either someone shows up to do the job or you’ve offered so much money that entire countries have reorganized themselves to train people to do that job.