how does overcharging a battery with too much amperage work?


I learned a bit about electricity. I know about voltage and amperage and stuff. I learned that a too high voltage can blow your equipment (or if you’re lucky just the fuse) but amperage is something that the device just takes as needed. You should just make sure that there enough available.

How does this work when charging batteries? I read something about a guy almost blowing up his battery because he charged it with a too high amperage… So I kinda had a short-circuit myself because I really don’t get how that works. This just doesn’t match with what I learned.

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When we say a device pulls x amps, that assumes normal voltage. When you said “damaged the equipment by putting too much voltage” that also means too much current. The current is actually what destroys the equipment

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