How Does Oxygen Stay In A House Or Car?


Ever since I was a kid I always wondered how people are not suffocating from staying in their house. Like if all windows are closed how does air get in? Wouldn’t we just breath up all the available air in a matter of hours and die? Same goes for cars too. If I’m on a long road trip and the windows are closed how am I still alive?

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14 Answers

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First off I’m going to say that CO2 poisoning is extremely unpleasant and people will do anything to avoid it, long before death is even close. So …

Cars aren’t sealed and there is always some fresh air coming in.

Older houses leak, from doors, vents, windows, electrical outlets, etc. New houses build to much tighter standards, and can get stuffy if closed up for a long time, such as in winter. For those cases there are [air/heat exchangers]( for houses which bring in warmed air from the outdoors and vent stale air from the house.

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