How does plugging my battery into a charger give it power?


How does plugging my battery into a charger give it power?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The charger runs electric current through the battery. The current changes battery chemistry and this process converts the energy of electric current into the chemical energy inside the battery. When you connect the battery to something that consumes electricity like a bulb or a cellphone the process is reversed – the chemical energy turns into electric current.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In conventional electrical theory, charge flows from the + side of the battery through a circuit and into the – side of the battery. When you charge the battery, you’re pushing charge back into the + side of the battery. So a charger is basically a bunch of circuitry to push charge into the + side of a battery while also having some safeguards against things like charging the battery too fast or having the battery inserted backwards.