How does pushing a car that won’t start help start it?


How does pushing a car that won’t start help start it?

In: 1758

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of “it makes the engine run itself” explanations here, without explaining how it does that.

The battery in your car is just an extra power supply for when the engine is off, once the engine is running, it turns something called an alternator which generates electricity. This alternator creates more power than the car uses, so it keeps the car running while also recharging the battery.

A car that won’t start due to a flat battery has no power to start. So instead, you push it and engage the gears, causing the engine to spin. This then turns the alternator, which provides a spark to the engine and allows it to run. As it runs, it turns the alternator more, which provides more sparks, which keeps the engine running and repeat.

If the battery isn’t completely dead, it’ll then be charged while the car runs.

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