how does radiation work and why is it dangerous?

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how does radiation work and why is it dangerous?

In: Physics

4 Answers

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Radiation is usually just light, high energy light. At high enough energies, it can knock particles out of atoms, and lots of this can cause systems in your body to stop working. Like taking bricks out of a wall.

If those atoms happen to be in your DNA, it can cause the damaged cell to replicate wrong, making more damaged cells. Sometimes, these cells stop behaving as polite members of your body and divide/replicate forever, becoming cancer.

Sometimes radiation refers to actual particles shot out of nuclear reactions. Sometimes an electron (and a neutrino) are shot out, sometimes a whole helium atom (2 protons + 2 neutrons). This can also damage living things, but it isn’t stuff your body is likely to ever encounter. It’s important in nuclear fission/fusion.

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