How does relativistic time work. I just read Project Hail Mary and the space science went over my head. Why would a person experience less time the faster they go? They kept saying once you get to a certain speed you experience time differently, but what does that mean?


How does relativistic time work. I just read Project Hail Mary and the space science went over my head. Why would a person experience less time the faster they go? They kept saying once you get to a certain speed you experience time differently, but what does that mean?

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14 Answers

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Imagine a x-y-diagram, so 2 axis.

Now, if you just move on the y axis without any movement in the x axis, your endpoint will be higher than if you move a little bit in the x-axis as well, assuming your amount of total movement has to stay the same.

Now imagine our 3-dimensional universe (x,y,z) with the forth dimension being time.

If you move in time (so on the imaginary 4th axis) you can move less on the other 3 axis (x,y,z).

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