How does relativistic time work. I just read Project Hail Mary and the space science went over my head. Why would a person experience less time the faster they go? They kept saying once you get to a certain speed you experience time differently, but what does that mean?


How does relativistic time work. I just read Project Hail Mary and the space science went over my head. Why would a person experience less time the faster they go? They kept saying once you get to a certain speed you experience time differently, but what does that mean?

In: 2

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Short answer: the faster you travel, the slower you perceive time.

As you approach the speed of causality (of light) it comes closer to stopping. The effect of slower time isn’t linear however. 1% to 2% change of speed is miniscule. 90% to 91% I think is like 1/3 (I’m probably off) slower time than normal.

The effect is that assuming 1/3 time, every 40 minutes you experience, a stationary person would have an hour.

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