how does remembering super far back memories work?


I dont know, if i even worded this right.

But i have this recurring memory(flashback?) Of the ONE time i went to speech therapy when i was like 4 or 5.

I cant even remember what i ate last week but i remember this vividly as if it just happened but its been 11 or 12 years.

How does that work? Why does this happen?

In: 291

12 Answers

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My earliest confirmed memory was from only a couple months of age. I have many memories before that and after that. I am not certain, but I may even remember snippets from before birth.

My earliest confirmed memories cluster around 6~10 months of age. By the time I was a bit over a year my memory becomes quite exceptional. I remember my babysitter, the places we went, the people we met, and the frustration of not understanding so much of what was going on in the moment.

I remember my tongue being too big for my mouth, being unable to walk, graduation from diapers, even mundane things like my dad changing a light bulb or him going to work in the morning and coming home the same day.

It’s a common trait in my family, my early memory pales compared to my grandfather.

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