how does remembering super far back memories work?


I dont know, if i even worded this right.

But i have this recurring memory(flashback?) Of the ONE time i went to speech therapy when i was like 4 or 5.

I cant even remember what i ate last week but i remember this vividly as if it just happened but its been 11 or 12 years.

How does that work? Why does this happen?

In: 291

12 Answers

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Was it a particularly embarrassing or stressful situation? The brain is constantly taking in sensory information and quickly dumping everything not deemed important. If something emotionally charged happens, larger than normal amounts of acetylcholine, dopamine, and norepinephrine get released in the brain and each play a part in attention, learning, and memory. It’s basically your brain’s version of the Spongebob “Write that down, write that down!” Meme.

It serves an immediate purpose in that the heightened state of alertness and focus allows you to make potentially life saving decisions in a short amount of time, as well as a long term purpose because you don’t have to go through potentially dangerous situations multiple times in order to learn the lesson. Imagine if learning not to burn your hand on a stove required the same amount practice as learning the alphabet.

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