how does remembering super far back memories work?


I dont know, if i even worded this right.

But i have this recurring memory(flashback?) Of the ONE time i went to speech therapy when i was like 4 or 5.

I cant even remember what i ate last week but i remember this vividly as if it just happened but its been 11 or 12 years.

How does that work? Why does this happen?

In: 291

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To my knowledge, memory and how memories are stored and accessed are still subject to a lot of scientific debate.

But the principle is essentially the same when accessing older memories vs newer memories, an older memory may stick out to you more if you remember it constantly (say your recurring memory) and by exercising that neural pathway, you strengthen it meaning you remember it even more.

Also yet to be mentioned is how feeble our memories of far back events even are. VSauce in particular does an excellent job showing this phenomenon where he implants false memories within some test subjects and they truly believe those events happened! (It appears this particular mind field episode im referring to is behind a youtube paywall so I don’t have a link for you).

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