How does salt make icy roads safe?


How does salt make icy roads safe?

In: 28

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Salt only works to a certain temperature. If it’s single digits it’s far less effective. Wisconsin has been using cheese brine from cheese production on snowy roads but that also only works in the same temp range.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ice slippery. Salt melt ice, make water. Water not as slippery.

Salt is rock. Rock roughs up road. Rough road not as slippery.

Slippery bad, less control. Make no slippery, more control, safer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It damages cars so people are discouraged from driving, thereby reducing potential for accidents

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you put salt on icy roads they go from icy roads to just wet roads.

The salt makes the ice melt.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Good tip for BBQs and social gatherings. Mix a bit of salt into the ice in the cooler where you keep the drinks. It appear to melt the ice which looks counter intuitive by lowering the freezing point. Doing this will not only keep your drinks cooler in a hot day, you will also use less ice and will stay cooler longer.