How Does Satellite Internet work?


I always wonder that internet is basically to the core connected computers/network etc.. but how does satellite internet work? Do they have some towers on earth that send signal to satellites?

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5 Answers

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Internet works over the wires because of a “protocol”. That is a fancy word for the “rules” about how if a computer wants to send a message, it must change the electricity on its wire in specific patterns. Those patterns form “messages” that have things like the IP address the message is trying to reach in them.

Wireless internet uses the same “messages”, but the “protocol” is different. For radio-based wifi, an electromagnetic wave is altered lots of times per second, and the alterations to it are used to describe the pieces of the message.

Satellite is just a form of wireless internet. It sends signals from one place through a satellite dish using some protocol specific to that satellite. That signal bounces off a satellite in space and heads back to another satellite on Earth. That satellite’s connected to a computer that’s probably connected to the rest of the internet by wires. When it gets a response, it sends that response back through the satellite dish, bounces it off the satellite in space, then the original dish receives the signal. (I think the protocol has a concept of “an address” so if multiple satellite dishes see the message, they understand if it’s meant for them.)

Usually if you have satellite internet, you have your own dish or antenna of some sort. It has to be installed in a way that it can send a signal to a satellite in space.

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