How does seigniorage work?


Such as in France or other countries. What is it, and how does it work?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As in feudal system? You do realize there is no feudalism in France and hasn’t been for the last 250 years or so? But in general, seigneur, or the feudal lord owned the land (typically given “in fee” by the monarch, or otherwise acquired) and rented land to tenants who worked it, paid their rent in either produce or money; in turn, the feudal lord owned fealty to either their direct senior lord, or the monarch; and had various obligations attached to that – raising, equipping, feeding and paying an army being one of the main ones, being responsible for administration of justice in their feudal territory etc. that being said, there no feudal monarchies anymore, although some absolute monarchies today keep the hierarchy of obligations elements, doling out favors etc.

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