How does SEO work? Do search engines just see how many times a certain word appears on your site? And whoever has the most is ranked as the most relevant to the searcher?


How does SEO work? Do search engines just see how many times a certain word appears on your site? And whoever has the most is ranked as the most relevant to the searcher?

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4 Answers

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> Do search engines just see how many times a certain word appears on your site? And whoever has the most is ranked as the most relevant to the searcher?

This is how things worked in the very early years of the internet pre-Google. Google rose to prominence by coming up with a *much* better way of doing things. They began considering how pages linked to others. If lots of sites link to a particular site, that site is probably one people want to go to a lot. Google’s algorithm considered sites that lots of other sites linked to as “more important” than other websites when searching. This let Google return the types of pages people actually want to visit.

This was, of course, their original idea. Google’s algorithm for search is now both far less open and far more complex. It almost certainly relies, in large part, on very complex statistical models that take in information about websites to try and map the text you submit to a set of sites you’ll click on.

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