How does sexual arousal work? How do humans get aroused by looking at a picture? How does it trigger?


How does sexual arousal work? How do humans get aroused by looking at a picture? How does it trigger?

In: 4727

21 Answers

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For like a billion years of evolution, there was no such thing as a photograph. Those are the conditions human sexuality evolved in – for literally millions of years the image of a naked female entering your eyes meant that there was an (actual) naked female in front of you. So of course you should get aroused, that’s a potential mating opportunity!

The invention of photos was like a split second ago on the timescale that evolution operates on. It has only been a few human generations that everyone has access to nude photos whenever they want. That’s just WAY too fast for evolution to have reacted to this development, so we’re all still running brain software that says “Alert! Potential mate! She’s right there in front of you dude, try and have sex right now!!”

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