How does sexual arousal work? How do humans get aroused by looking at a picture? How does it trigger?


How does sexual arousal work? How do humans get aroused by looking at a picture? How does it trigger?

In: 4727

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re 5 dude ill teach you stuff like this later, k?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It takes many generations for any DNA, human or otherwise, to get up to speed. Our DNA is stuck in several hundred years ago times, times when there was no such thing as technology pretty much.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Pavlovian Response.

If you haven’t heard of it, the Pavlov experiment involved ringing a bell every time a dog was fed, followed by just ringing the bell without feeding the dog. The dog would still respond the same way (salivation) just from the sound of the bell, even though no food was present.

For most of mankind, seeing naked bodies was typically accompanied with sex which of course includes the arousal of sec organs. Take the sex away but still present the visual stimulation, you still get the arousal.

Now, the bell experiment was small scale and that’s why *all* dogs don’t drool when they hear bells.

Humans, on the other hand, have their entire existence worth of conditioning to develop the automatic response to visual sexual stimulation, so much so that it’s inherited through genetics.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This feels like the kind of question some sentient AI would ask in order to finally achieve a level of humanity that can fool us. Like Westworld.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Arousal is probably 95% mental. So you look at a picture and think about having sex and get turned on.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The largest sex organ in the human body is the brain.

Might as well ask how memory works. I’d tell you, but I forgot.

A certain pattern of stimulae, images, sounds, sensations, smells, or god forbid tastes, trigger a reaction that’s been built up through decades of conditioning and eons of evolution. The net result is the “Oh goody, I’m gonna get laid now!” reaction.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Highly recommend reading David M. Buss about evolutionary psychology. He is a specialist in this field. It’s all about adaptability of human species.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, people can also get scared, or sad, or happy when they see a picture. All are physical reactions, changes in the state of mind of a person, triggered by visual stimuli. Sexual arousal is not an exception.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Adding to other responses here, this may all seem kind of strange because sexual attraction is largely an unconscious process. We really don’t fully understand why we are attracted to someone and there is evidence that we still function using the more primitive means of mate selection, like our ancient ancestors. There are also major gender differences such that males are much more visual creatures when it comes to sexual arousal. Humans also use classical conditioning in many cases to become aroused by atypical things. Check out choice blindness when you get some free time.