: How does slapping an old tv make it work again?

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: How does slapping an old tv make it work again?

In: Technology

16 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Others have covered the why, just to add that this worked for more than TVs.

I had a Commodore 64 5.25in floppy drive back in the early late 80s-90s. In the manual, under troubleshooting the read head getting stuck was to lift the disk drive a few inches off of the table and drop it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It does for the signals antenne sometimes.

But sometimes you need to slap the TV.

To get to a play channel in tv without any blur.

But It was from year 2003 until 2010.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Kinda like slapping a hysterical woman from that generation it just makes everything refocus.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Something that people aren’t mentioning is that older TVs routinely had socketed parts. This ranged from vacuum tubes (for TVs from before the 1970s) then various ICs and cables. These connections would become questionable with thermal cycling and also tarnishing. Causing the parts to shift slightly would often make a better connection.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Realized I’m showing my age the other day when I firmly knocked a broken device on a table a few times to see if it would start working again. My daughter asked why I’m hitting it if it’s broken. Uh. To fix it, duh. 

Something about smacking broken electronics around was therapeutic. We should go back to that. Besides, if it’s truly broken then hitting it can’t do any more damage. 

Now I wish a car guy would explain how hitting car parts with a wrench can make your car start again. When we were teens my husband had a truck that demanded he get under and whack the starter every morning. 

Anonymous 0 Comments

I once stayed at a hotel in Vegas with my brother and we had garbled tv for a week, he was so pissed he slapped it as we were packing up and bango! It came on with perfect picture

We laughed and watch the golf tournament until they kicked us out 😂