How does someone get fat from having hormonal issues? Where does the fat comes from?


As of my current understanding, you need calories to get fat, how can some hormonal issues lead to weight gain? Where does all the energy comes from?

In: 2115

25 Answers

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Fat comes from excess energy. There is no way to put on fat without eating. There’s lots of hormones that are in control of your eating and your energy expenditure, and hormonal issues is a term that encompasses multiple different problems.

Your hunger control is hormone based. You feel hungry because a hormone is released that makes you feel the sensation of hunger. And in response to that you go and eat food.
Hormone imbalances might be that your hunger response might be excessive, with your body giving you too much hunger stimulus and you eat in excess.

Your metabolism and energy use is also hormone based. You could have a reduced metabolism and low energy use, which also would mean you are eating in excess of what you need even if your diet might seem normal.

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