How does spacial orientation work?


My dad is doing some contests where you need to find your way in the woods and I was curious how do people know where they are in relation to where they need to go.

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2 Answers

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There are techniques used for land navigation that help you keep your direction. As far as biology is concerned, without landmarks to reference people are generally very bad at maintaining directional orientation. You can see this in videos that have people walking blindfolded across a field. Often people start walking in large circles thinking they are going straight. Landmarks are vital for accurate land navigation.

One method for woods navigation involves tree alignment. You look in the direction you are trying to head, mentally note the tree you are starting at and the tree you are ending at. Walk to the next tree, use the start tree to line up your next “goal” tree with the tree you are at know. Wash, rinse, repeat. This way you are always marking a straight line goal that isn’t dependent on your internal compass. This method does require you know what direction you are needing to head when you start, usually determined using a compass and map that at least marks your start location and stop location. It allows you to quickly maintain your heading while being able to pay attention to where you are walking instead of staring at a compass.

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