How does the barcode system works?


Like how is there no overlap of barcodes at all? There’s are millions if not, billions of items around the world that have unique barcodes. Are they differentiated per country or something?

In: 503

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alright kiddo! Let’s break this down step by step:
1. Imagine a barcode as a special “secret code” made of lines.
2. Each line has a different width and space between them.
3. When you go to a store, they use a special light (scanner) to read this code.
4. The scanner talks to a computer and says, “Hey, what’s this code for?”
5. The computer replies, “That’s a box of cereal!” and tells the cashier the price.
6. And that’s how barcodes help us quickly know what an item is and how much it costs! 🛒🌟

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