It basically just ends. I used to be able to turn my bellybutton inside out. I could push it out and then you could see the end of it.
When I was 18, I had my gall bladder taken out, and afterwards, I couldn’t do it anymore. I asked my doctor about it and it turns out it was a hernia the whole time, so they fixed it while they were in there.
This is a great question! It’s a little complicated, but to simplify, they turn into various ligaments and other small blood vessels. The inside portion of the belly button is called the umbilical vein and the umbilical arteries. The umbilical vein turns into a ligament called the round ligament of the liver. The umbilical arteries turn into some arteries as well as the medial umbilical ligament.
See the table:
I can never unread this comment section. But also I had laparoscopic abdominal surgery last year with one incision right next to my belly button. You have never really cleaned your belly button until you pull a clump of lint, scab, and incision glue/stitches out of your belly button pit to discover your belly button is now twins.
In addition to blood vessels going through the umbilical cord there is a tube between the bladder and umbilicus that the fetal bladder uses to drain (urachus). In most this closes off, in some it can partially close leaving a cyst and in some it doesn’t close off and you can sometimes leak urine through your belly button.
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