How does the body know when to give birth?


Does the baby/foetus give a signal that it’s ready/developed enough, or does the mother’s body just call it at some point without any input from the foetus? Or is it a ‘conversation’ between the two?

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3 Answers

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As with a lot of things in medicine, we don’t fully know. Also, it’s likely a combination of a number of factors. There is some thought that the baby’s lungs will release a chemical when they are fully developed which gives the mothers body the OK to go into labour. But that obviously isn’t the case in premature labour.

Another theory, if something is wrong (like an infection) the mothers body will realise the baby is in danger and go into labour. This could help explain preterm labour.

Prostaglandin and oxytocin are hormones that play a major part in labour starting, and natural methods of induction (nipple stimulation, cervical stretch and sweep) try to increase these hormones in the mother

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