How does the body know when to produce more blood? Is there a difference between quickly producing more blood to make up for an injury vs slowly producing more blood for a body gaining more mass?


How does the body know when to produce more blood? Is there a difference between quickly producing more blood to make up for an injury vs slowly producing more blood for a body gaining more mass?

In: 11

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can think of it in terms of rates of things.

Currently, your body has a rate of producing the components of blood, and a rate of breaking down and expelling the remainder.

When the amount of blood in your system is less than the usual, the rate of removal will automatically go down (less blood to clean = less waste products = less removal), but your rate of blood production does not take a hit, so, for those brief periods, your body will produce more blood than it will retire.

Note: not a biologist, so there may be more complex biology at work too, but even if your body chooses to do nothing, you will end up producing more blood because of how dynamic equilibria work.

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