: How does the body produce blood?


: How does the body produce blood?

In: 16

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bone marrow produces stem cells, those are cells that haven’t yet been assigned to a specific thing, the erythopoietin sends a signal to them, telling them what they’ll develop into

Anonymous 0 Comments

Blood is made of the fluid component, called plasma, with various cells floating in it. The cells are grown in bone marrow. The plasma comes from the water and salts absorbed by your intestines.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bones are actually highly vascular, meaning a lot of blood flows through them. Long bones in particular, like your femur and other limbs, have red marrow which serves as a blood factory.

Blood cells of all kinds come from stem cells in the bones–called stem cells because, like on a tree branch, they can change in a few directions to become different cells. Red blood cells lose their nucleus and get packed full of hemoglobin, the iron-containing protein that carries oxygen. White blood cells of various types go on to serve immunity.

The fluid is simply absorbed by your colon, as all fluid in the body is, and processed in various places such as the liver and kidneys. The cells come from your bones. Nutrients and oxygen are gathered in the gut and lungs, respectively. Serum proteins like albumin, another important part of blood… are produced by blood cells, I think? It’s been some years.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many of your bones have a spongy center called marrow. It’s made of cells that produce blood cells. The blood cells ooze out through tiny holes in the bone and are carried away as blood.