How does the body raise its temperature to produce a fever?


I know the body is good at regulating heat but how does it produce it.

In: 1

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically chimical reactions due to enzymes triggered by the hypothalamus in response to the immune system. These reactions produce heat. But mostly shivering as described in another comment. But you can shiver without a fever

Anonymous 0 Comments

It produces heat by increasing the rate at which it burns calories. Shivering is the main mechanism, as that is very effective at heating up your body.

That’s the reason you actually often feel chills with a fever. Your body’s internal thermostat is telling your brain that it isn’t warm enough.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The same process that produces ATP, which is the general purpose storage form of energy for your body, can be used to produce heat. (“Thermogenesis”)

The movement of certain molecules from one space to another produces energy, that is usually stored in the form of ATP. Certain proteins in your cells, however, can uncouple this reaction from the ATP production: the energy that you save by not using it to create ATP is instead given off as heat.