How does the brain actually process time?


Not necessarily in the sense of memories and past experiences, but instead more in the vein of how my brain would know/estimate that it’s been roughly a minute, or an hour?

In: 8

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The answer is fairly simple, even if the details aren’t:

We have a clock in our brain. Or several.

There are additional factors, mostly to do with being able to process our surroundings and memory that affect how well we can judge the exact outside passage of time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The dorsolateral prefrontal right cortex processes our perception of time.

As we age and its neurons decay, signals are transmitted irregularly and this can lead to the feeling that time is speeding up as we age.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For me it’s things happening regularly at set times and how light/ dark it is outside,sun is brightest at midday,we’re all taught as kids to count seconds and minutes so we all have a good concept of how much time has passed (as well as regularly looking at clocks,watches)x