How does the brain perform complex operations without logic gates?


Given how neurons just carry impulses around like wires, with only an input and an output, how can these signals amount to conscious thought without some form of logic gates like in computers?

It appears to be a result greater than the sum of its parts. How can this be?

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6 Answers

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Neurons can actually simulate logic gates.

Neuron basically behaves like this (simplified):

`output = exp{ sum(weight_k * input_k) }, if (output>max_output) then (output = 0 for T ms)`

You can make NOT as `exp(-1*input_1)`. You can make AND by picking weights in such a way, that `exp(w)` is a small number, but exp`(2*w)` is big. (And you can use second neuron to make them even more distinct). With AND and NOT you can make NAND, and from NAND – everything else.

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