Often just because you pay a lot doesn’t necessarily mean you get a lot for it. Let’s use vehicles for example. Let’s say you’re driving 30 miles. A car might be able to do this on 1 gallon of gas, a Hummer will take 3 gallons, and a motorcycle will use a 1/2 gallon. Now instead of always picking the efficient motorcycle you might have situations where the car is better. For example if it’s raining, or you have 3 passengers (and not in Southeast Asia). Then you have situations where the hummer might be better even though it has the worst gas mileage.
For your example it makes sense that Antman 3 has a huge CGI budget because pretty much every scene needed to be designed from the ground up in CGI while Godzilla M1 you could just overlay a few CGI aspects into each shot (destroyed buildings, monsters, smoke all of which have standing strategies, and such).
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