How does the cervix and vagina get big enough to be able to give birth!?


I’m 10 weeks pregnant and it just blows my mind that my internal organs will be one day large enough to push out a baby!?!

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4 Answers

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A very simplified version is that in a pregnancy with a cephalic (head down) presentation, the uterus contracts from the top downwards to try and squeeze the baby down, the baby’s head applies direct pressure to the cervix and in combination with all the right hormones, that pressure causes the cervix to shorten, soften, and open. The vagina is muscular so can also stretch and open to accommodate the baby. Finally, the baby’s head is made of separate bones that fuse to create a skull over time as a newborn. These separate bones allow the head to navigate the birth canal because they can move and mould, rather than be rigid and get crushed.

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