How does the fabric of space actually works?


If it works exactly like a ball that is placed on top of a cloth, doesn’t the celestial bodies that is rotating around the ball will eventually get sucked into the center?

In: 2

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. I’m sorry for so many conflicting answers on here. In your analogy, you’re referring to “the shape of spacetime”.

So the “shape” of spacetime is like a cloth wrapped around a ball. It is also just the surface of a ball. But the surface of the ball contains our entire 3d universe There isn’t any middle for anything to fall into. There is nothing above or below the surface of the ball. Moreover, that nothing above and below the surface of the ball isn’t “nothing” like space is a vacuum, it’s just not.

To explain a different way, the shape of spacetime is “the surface of a sphere” and it isn’t “a sphere”.

It’s really strange to think of the universe this way because it doesn’t make sense to or 3d minds. If you think it is strange or weird or didn’t make any sense, then you’re on the right track.

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